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Despite necessary prevention measures, incidents and illnesses do occur in workplaces. If an injured worker is unable to come to work, the person is entitled to compensation paid by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). In Canada, an injured worked is entitled to compensation based on a "no fault" insurance system. This means that irrespective of whether the worker was at fault or not, his/her compensation is guaranteed by WSIB. They do not have to bring a lawsuit against an employer for their entitlements. These entitlements for workers are administered following the provisions as laid out in the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA).
The content of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act is as follows: - Interpretation - Injury and Disease Prevention - Insurance Plan - Health Care - Return to Work - Insured Payments - Employers and their Obligations - Insurance Fund - Transitional Rules - Uninsured Employment - Decisions and Appeals - Enforcement - Administration of the Act
For a detailed description of the above provisions in the Act, please click at this link.
There are about 10 (as of December 2014) detailed technical specifications (called 'Regulations') made under WSIA. A list of the Regulations can be found at the following link: